Reader Collection > Exhibitions > Kachō Gafu flower-bird picture albums from Meiji Era (1868-1912) Japan
30 Keibun Kachō Gafu Zenpen Kore (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keibun First Volume), 1892, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by Keibun Matsumura (1779-1843), Maruyama-Shijō style, plum (Prunus mume) and mandarin duck (Aix galericulata)
31 Keibun Kachō Gafu Kōhen (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keibun Sequel), 1894, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by Keibun Matsumura (1779-1843), Maruyama-Shijō style, sunset hibiscus (Hibiscus manihot) and meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides)
32 Keibun Kachō Gafu Kōchitsu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keibun Sequel), 1894, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by Keibun Matsumura (1779-1843), Maruyama-Shijō style, left picture – Japanese rose (Rosa multiflora) and lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus), right picture – Japanese kerria (Kerria japonica) and common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
33 Sho Taika Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Various Masters), 1896, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of forty-four paintings by Maruyama-Shijō School artists, left picture – mythical hō-ō bird, right picture –princess tree (Paulownia tomentosa) and mythical hō-ō bird
34 Sho Meika Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Various Famous Painters), 1898, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by Maruyama-Shijō School artists, left picture – Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil) and Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus), right picture – China rose (Rosa chinensis) and Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora)
35 Kan’ei Gafu (Picture Album by Kan’ei), 1886, twenty-five pictures drawn by Kan’ei Nishiyama, Maruyama-Shijō style, Japanese mountain cherry (Prunus serrulata) and barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
36 Bairei Hyakuchō Gafu (Picture Album of One Hundred Birds by Bairei), 1881, one hundred pictures drawn by Bairei Kōno, Nihonga style, left picture – false snowparsley (Tilingia ajanensis) and blue rock-thrush (Monticola solitarius), right picture – heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica) and brown-eared bulbul (Ixos amaurotis)
37 Bairei Hyakuchō Gafu Zokuhen (Picture Album of One Hundred Birds by Bairei Sequel), 1884, one hundred pictures drawn by Bairei Kōno, Nihonga style, Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata), brown hawk-owl (Ninox scutulata) and jungle nightjar (Caprimulgus indicus)
38 Bairei Gafu (Picture Album by Bairei), 1886, eighty-three pictures drawn by Bairei Kōno, Nihonga style, dandelion (Taraxacum sp.), field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) and skylark (Alauda arvensis)
39 Bairei Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Bairei), 1899, fifty pictures drawn by Bairei Kōno, Nihonga style, left picture – cockscomb (Celosia cristata), asiatic dayflower (Commelina communis) and common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), right picture – hardy begonia (Begonia grandis), scabious patrinia (Patrinia scabiosifolia), balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorus) and domestic fowl (Gallus gallus)
40 Bunrei Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Bunrei), 1885, one hundred pictures drawn by Bunrei Maekawa using pictures by Bairei Kōno as models, Nihonga style, Japanese laurel (Aucuba japonica) and goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
41 Bairei Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Bairei), 1893, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by Bairei Kōno, Nihonga style, Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil) and great tit (Parus major)
42 Shōkei Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Shōkei), 1895, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by Shōkei Yamada, Nihonga style, tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) and narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina)
43 Kinsei Meika Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Famous Painters of Recent Times), 1898, edited by Gessai Fukui, copies of twelve paintings by artists of the Nihonga School, florist’s chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum grandiflorum) and mandarin duck (Aix galericulata)
44 Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flower and Birds), 1898, nineteen pictures drawn by Ginkō Adachi, Nihonga style, Goering’s cymbidium (Cymbidium goeringii) and green peafowl (Pavo muticus)
45 Shiki Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons), 1891, eighty pictures drawn by Gyoshi Kōsoku, Nihonga style, sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and domestic goose (Anser cygnoides)
46 Hōbun Gafu (Picture Album by Hōbun), 1890, thirty-eight pictures drawn by Hōbun Kikuchi, Nihonga style, Hall crabapple (Malus halliana), meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides) and yellow-throated bunting (Emberiza elegans)
47 Shūchō Gafu (Picture Album of Birds), 1912, one hundred and four pictures drawn by Kashū Numata, Nihonga style,cherry (Prunus sp.) and Ural owl (Strix uralensis)
48 Keinen Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Keinen), 1891-92, one hundred and thirty four pictures drawn by Keinen Imao, Nihonga style, tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) and blue-and-white flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana)
49 Hyakukō Gafu (Picture Album of One Hundred Ideas), 1893, one hundred and twenty-four pictures drawn by Kuniteru Rakunan, Nihonga style, left picture- bunchflower daffodil (Narcissus tazetta) and black-billed magpie (Pica pica), right picture – white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
50 Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds), 1895, sixteen pictures drawn by Kōsetsu Sakata, Nihonga style, florist’s chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum grandiflorum) and Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
51 Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds), 1896, eight pictures drawn by Kōtei Fukui, Nihonga style, kudzu (Pueraria lobata) and Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
52 Seitei Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Seitei), 1890-91, sixty-six pictures drawn by Seitei Watanabe, Nihonga style, plum (Prunus mume) and common hill myna (Gracula religiosa)
53 Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Seitei), 1903, twenty-two pictures drawn by Seitei Watanabe, Nihonga style, cherry (Prunus sp.) and Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
54 Shōkoku Kachō Gafu (Picture Album of Flowers and Birds by Shōkoku), 1901, eight pictures drawn by Shōun Yamamoto, Nihonga style, dandelion (Taraxacum sp.), violet (Viola sp.), field horsetail (Equisetum arvense), cherry petals (Prunus sp.) and copper pheasant (Syrmaticus soemmerringii)
55 Nihon Gafu Kachō no Bu (Picture Album of Japan Flower and Bird Section), 1897, fifteen pictures drawn by Toshinobu Taguchi, Nihonga style, weeping cherry (Prunus subhirtella) and Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus)
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